Andrea Balestrero, Nina Fiocco, Rogelio Sánchez Velázquez

“The Salgari Method” is a nomadic art event directed to develop artistic-architectonic installations through a community based process. Emilio Salgari (1862-1911) was an Italian writer who – without traveling outside his nation- wrote numerous novels set in several distant countries distributed on all the continents which he got to know just through news and images found in magazines, books, newspapers. One hundred years later, this mechanism of knowledge of distant places through media (such as the Internet) by renouncing to a direct experience has become totally ordinary for everyone. With the aim to reflect on this way to “know from a distance”, our project establishes a dialogue with communities and builds, basing on this collective brainstorming, artistic and architectural installations that mimic landscapes or remote architectures through the use local materials.